#WEBiketoDC has come and gone, but there is still more to come.
What started as a conversation, turned into a BIG PROJECT with a lot of moving parts, which all had to fit together just right for our trip to happen. How did WE do it?
Well, with a dedicated project manager corralling our efforts, plus all our donors, sponsors, and a super awesome Internet-based tool called Trello.
Trello is a collaborative project-management tool that WE Bike NYC has been using for the past year to help us stay organized. As we’ve grown, both in our reach and volunteer base, we found that email threads and facebook pings weren’t cutting it anymore. We needed something to help us keep track of what needed to get done, and that could scale from planning a simple social ride for ice cream, to working on bigger projects like our Annie Londonderry Ride, our annual WE Party fundraiser, and our biggest venture yet, #WEbiketodc.
Trello is intuitive and visual, and even though it’s pretty straightforward when getting started, its version for businesses and non-profits is also packed with awesome features that make it a very robust and rich tool. The support team is fantastic, and was happy to help us out in making our experience the best that it can be.
Thank you Trello! WE would have had a hard time doing it without you!